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Maintenance Tips for Your Rental Properties
Jessica Landingham

Maintenance Tips for Your Rental Properties

Keeping anything in great condition requires regular maintenance, in particular rental properties and especially multi-family units where a higher number of tenants are staying.  Under landlord tenant laws, property owners must ensure they keep their rental space habitable. But this can be a challenging process for a single landlord so we at Peak Residential have put together this article to help you make the most out of your maintenance responsibilities.

A Landlords Maintenance Responsibilities

Tenants will have certain expectations when they occupy a rental property, in particular the ones stipulated in the landlord tenant laws. Different states may have slight variations on these laws but the obligations tend to be consistent. These include:

landlord maintenance reponsibilities

Providing Trash Containers

It’s imperative to give a fair number of trash bins at proper sizes in relation to the number of tenants occupying the rental. Landlords should be aware of the local regulations when it comes to managing the trash receptacles. Some properties require the separation of recyclables in labeled bags which should be accounted for.

Supply Running Water

Running water is essential and without a steady supply, a resident will find it hard live day-today. Heaters also require water to provide warmth and comfort to a resident. So, it is incredibly important to ensure your property has safe running water.

Comply with Building Codes

Landlords must ensure that building codes are followed to the letter to protect the health of its renters. This means smoke and carbon monoxide detectors need to be installed. Plumbing and electrical systems also need to be fully functional. If pest infestations and mold presence are detected, landlords must take care of providing resolutions.

Maintain Common Areas

In a multi-family rental, the landlord must regularly clean and focus on keeping the common areas safe for residents. Elevators must also be maintained; stairs must be safe and flooring must not have missing tiles which can cause accidents.

Conduct Property Repairs

When a tenant requests property maintenance, a landlord should be prompt in arranging repairs. Minor issues should be fixed right away to keep the repair costs from skyrocketing. Additionally, a pro-active approach to maintenance helps you attract long term tenants. Property damage that results from neglect or abuse must be given immediate attention. The party responsible for the damage must shoulder the repair expenses.

keeping critical systems functional

Keep Critical Home Systems Functional

Part of delivering a great package to renters is ensuring that the critical systems in your rental property are in great condition. This can refer to electrical, plumbing, air conditioning and heating systems. If any of them are not in a peak state then you can expect tenant complaints and turnovers. Prevent this from occurring by exercising vigilance through preventive property maintenance.


A Tenants’ Maintenance Obligations

Even if landlords are generally expected to keep the rental property in great condition, tenants are also expected to carry their share of the responsibilities. Different states may stipulate different obligations, but the duties are similar for renters:

Keep the Property Clean

Proper trash disposal and sanitation is required to maintain a healthy environment. If garbage is left in the open or lying around the property, this can become a health hazard. Tenants are therefore legally bound to remove trash and ensure that the rental is clean. This practice also prevents pest infestation issues.

Pay Attention to Security Hazards

Dangerous situations may happen anytime. So, it’s vital for renters to keep the emergency exits free from any barriers that will block their passage. Similarly, the smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detectors must be intact and free from any damage.

Prevent Mold Growth

Too much moisture can lead to mold presence in a property. Tenants must keep the property well-ventilated especially in bathrooms and basements. Windows should be opened regularly for air to circulate and dry an area especially after showering or doing laundry. Mold can be toxic to the health of a resident so any sign of it must be reported.

Adhere to Building and Housing Codes

A rental property should house the correct number of tenants. Otherwise, safety can be compromised. Inviting more occupants can pose a security risk and hastens the normal wear and tear of a property.


Tips to Help in Maintain Your Property

By law, tenants are obligated to maintain the rental property. The landlord can detail these responsibilities in the leasing agreement or it can be negotiated beforehand and included in an addendum. But a good way to keep your renters happy, is to keep the property maintained.


If you have any questions don't hesitate to call on of our property managers, their experience and skill is invaluable when considering your legal responsibilities. But, in the short term, here are ways for tenants to maintain your rental property:

Conduct Seasonal Maintenance

As the seasons change, your property may require specific maintenance relative to the weather. This includes:


·        Shoveling snow in winter

·        Weeding and mowing the lawn

·        Raking leaves and removing overgrown branches

·        Cleaning the gutters

Remove Garbage

Ask the tenants to be aware of the garbage collection schedule. Removing the trash routinely ensures a sanitized environment.

Clean Common Areas

Tenants should clean the floors and get rid of trash in common areas. Since a lot of residents gather in these places, keeping it tidy is necessary.

Report Property Damage

Signs of damage can be more apparent to renters who are living in the property. Encourage them to contact you when they find indicators of mold existence, pest infestation or any property-related problems.

Bottom Line

Conducting thorough maintenance of your rental property is crucial in running a successful rental property business.


But the responsibilities of maintaining a rental property can be time consuming. So, if you’re looking for an outstanding property management company that can perform crucial maintenance and repair of your rental, contact Peak Residential today!

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